libRadtran is freely available under the GNU General Public License. To install libRadtran on a Unix type system follow the unpacking instructions and the installation instructions. For the impatient: 1. Get the distributionHere is the most recent version 2.0.6 from December 24, 2024. Older versions are also still available (if asked for username and password, please try libRadtran for both). If you download the package we ask you to send us a short eMail to let us know that you use the model. We have created a mailing list of libRadtran users in order to notify them of additions, changes, and bug fixes on an irregular basis. 2. Unpack the distributiongzip -d libradtran-x.yy.tar.gz tar -xvf libradtran-x.yy.tar where x.yy is the version number. 3. Compile the distributioncd libRadtran-x.yy ./configure make 4. Test the programmake check (make sure to use GNU make) 5. Get additional modules if required
6. Required software to build libRadtranThe following software is required to successfully compile, link and run all of the libRadtran tools:
That's it. The example files and the documentation should give you enough knowledge to get started. To test libRadtran on Windows you may try the Virtual Box. You find detailed installation instructions here. For users of Windows 10 the Windows Subsystem for Linux is an option which allows installing libRadtran inside the subsystem. When using this subsystem be aware of the differences between Windows and Linux, e.g., with respect to pathnames (case-sensitivity, treatment of spaces, slash vs backslash). 7. MiscellaneousThe standalone version of cdisort 2.1.3 (the C language version of DISORT provided by Tim Dowling, updated July 25, 2013) may be obtained as well. See the included HOW_TO file for tips on installation and usage in a C environment. In publications, please cite Buras et al (2011, J. Quant. Spectr. Ra. Tran. 112, 2028-2034, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.03.019). |